Thursday, August 11, 2011


Kathy Nightingale: Why did you come here anyway?
Sally Sparrow: I love old things. They make me feel sad.
Kathy Nightingale: What's good about sad?
Sally Sparrow: It's happy for deep people.

The quote above (which happens to be from one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes, Blink) seems to describe my life lately. I'm not necessarily really sad, but I'm not really happy either. I'm just kind of melancholy. But I don't feel like I could tell people that I'm melancholy without them thinking there's something wrong. For me, melancholy isn't bad. It's like...salted caramel cupcakes. That little bit of salt makes the sweet so much better. Just like that, the little bit of sad makes me so much more aware of the happiness.

I can't really say why I feel so melancholy (though listening to Jar of Hearts obsessively probably isn't helping). Maybe it's just part of that time of change; everything else is going every which way, so why shouldn't my emotions? I'd much rather just be completely happy, but since I'm not, I suppose I'll just enjoy the mystery and depth of the melancholy and look forward to the happy contrast to come.

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